Muddy forest trails an early morning

Just before sunrise, right out of bed and out of the forest. To run without energy in the body may seem tedious, but it is actually very nice. The body adapts, and starts working with the energy stocks stored in the body, i.e. the fat. In the past I have known when the body goes over in fat loss, but now it feels like it's there right away. Of course, it is tough the first few kilometers, but then drop it in the legs.

Now I tested how much of the forest around where I live that I can run in, and how much that is thicket. I ran fast 2 times, but otherwise it was fine forest trails and horse paths all the way. The definition of the fine in this case was that they were running only. Mud and water is just a bonus, and no real problem when I have inov8 shoes on me.Trailrunningskor

The distribution of the round was 5 km on paved road, 5 km lighted trails, paths and 14km, 2 km jungle.

The beautiful with the trail compared to road transport, is that you are less tired afterwards. It is not possible to keep the same tempo in the forest, and it rips less on muscles. But I'll probably mix it up with some more common longer long session also so as not to get too comfortable a. ..

selfie trailrun


Jack on the nose is only half related to sports. Slammed the trunk right on the nose in the parking lot before the football match on Wednesday. Only the tape properly and stand between the posts.

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